There are so many cool drawings and pictures online it is mind blowing but not so long ago it was very different only 10 years ago and most people would have only just been getting access to the internet let alone be able to use it well. Where as today it is easily accessible and there are now so many young people growing up with the internet it is the norm and anyone above the age of 25 would have a different youth to compare this with like myself. I have to admit that I am considerably older than 25 nearer 50 but also I would say that my youth was not much different than that of a 25 year old today because neither of us had access to the internet and what it brings. Imagine being Michelangelo or Leonardo da Vinci living in the year 1500 with so little access to information now imagine them being transported to the present times and being shown the amount of information that can be accessed online today. Imagine going down to the mortuary everyday as Michelangelo did to look at dead bodies because you wanted to learn about them in more detail to enable you to be able to draw and sculpt them better. Now with the internet and all the access it brings to your finger tips you could find all this information in an afternoon consuming most of it as well that's the difference.

cool drawing
cool drawing
cool drawing
cool drawing
cool drawing
cool drawing
cool drawing
cool drawing
cool drawing
cool drawing
cool drawing
cool drawing
cool drawing
cool drawing
cool drawing