First and foremost, accurate drawing of people and faces start with careful observation. The ability to see correctly and to observe correctly is the number one skill that is going to help you improve artistically. Did you catch the true shape of the model's eye? Do you have the eyelids too thin? Is her lips the correct proportion? Is her nose in the right place on the head? Is the neck too thin? Too long? How many heads tall is the model? Do they fit the standard proportions, or do they vary just a little?
These are important observations that you as an artist must make. Capturing the likeness of the person you are drawing comes down to careful observation. The next tool to help you in your artistic journey is to remember to start big. I know this sounds really simple but a lot of artists make the mistake of laying in too many details. Start with the block-in method and lay in large shapes. Don't concentrate on the finer details like shading in the eye at the beginning of a drawing. Always start big and work your way to the finer details at the end of your drawing. Make sure when you are in the big part of your drawing that you are focusing on proportions. Is the body of the male approximately 7 heads high etc. You want to focus on those types of questions, not is the shading of the left nostril correct. Those are the questions you want to ask yourself further down the road.

easy drawing

easy drawing

easy drawing

easy drawing

easy drawing

easy drawing

easy drawing

easy drawing

easy drawing

easy drawing

easy drawing

easy drawing

easy drawing

easy drawing

easy drawing